National UFO Reporting Center - January 95 Reports

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1/1/95 0:02 Pacific Grove, CA Rept. that local police had pursued a strange obj., and incident was "hushed up." (Facts unclear)
1/1/95 19:50 Warm Beach, WA Woman witnessed a red "ball" from her home near beach. Object flew off suddenly.
1/1/95 22:00 Shelton, WA CA woman visiting daughter witness discs and triangular ships over Squaxin Island in Puget Sound. Dramatic.
1/1/95 22:45 Anaheim, CA Man witnessed a motionless point of light, which then began moving to north and disappeared from sight.
1/2/95 6:25 New Port Richey, FL Man witnesses huge, "coin shaped" orange object. Accelerated very fast and streaked off "like lightning."
1/3/95 4:45 Tewksbury, MA Woman heard noise, went outside, and witnessed tremendously bright light. Burst into multiple objects.
1/3/95 5:00 Gladstone, OR Woman witnessed triangular ship w/ white & blue lights. She & neighbors witnessed 5 ships. Reported mil. jets in area.
1/3/95 18:00 Marysville, WA Young man sees large triangular ship w/ blue & white lights moving slowly in night sky. Streaks off to north.
1/3/95 20:49 Redmond, WA Experienced ufologist reports seeing large, round, white light that moved across sky. Saw 2 other small obj..
1/3/95 21:55 Seattle, WA Couple sees "meteor" streak from south to north, but turned suddenly. Very fast.
1/3/95 23:45 Salinas, CA Young woman witnessed "string of lights" for 15 min. in overcast sky. Winked off, then back on several times.
1/4/95 0:54 Rodney, MI Mother & daughter witness approx. 10 triangular obj. hovering in sky, beaming lights to ground. Calls 911.
1/4/95 21:55 Noxen, PA Young man hears, then witnesses, strange ship at treetop level travel north over town of Noxen. Good rept.
1/5/95 9:50 Seattle, WA MUFON member witnesses very bright light during daylight hours for 5 sec.. Appears 2nd time, disappears.
1/5/95 17:30 Evart, MI Mother & son witness very bright light while driving. Stop car. Obj. splits into two "headlights," approaches car.
1/5/95 21:00 Shelby, MT USAF officer at Malmstrom AFB relays sighting rept. from Shelby, MT. Two obj. which moved silently.
1/6/95 0:15 Warm Beach, WA Two women observe a strange "rope" of light, with a brightly lighted sphere of light attached. Good photo!
1/6/95 17:30 Glendo, WY Mother and son witness large, glowing craft maneuver and descend into cloud. Pursued by mil. aircraft.
1/7/95 5:00 Makapiu Point, HI Man and wife observe bizarre hump-backed, triangular object hover over sea. Had opaque windows. Humming.
1/7/95 15:00 Malmstrom AFB, MT Second call to Malmstrom AFB reported regarding sighting.
1/7/95 17:30 McMinnville, TN TN Emer. Man. Agency reports UFO-related flash/explosion near McMinnville, TN. 8-page fax from sheriff's office. Fed. agents.
1/8/95 4:00 Enterprise, MS A woman video tapes two bright objects, which hovered in the sky, then rose and disappeared from sight.
1/8/95 23:00 Horton, MI Young boy and friend witness red light in sky near home. Went to get parents, light extinguished.
1/9/95 3:30 Marion, NY Young girl sees bright light streaming through bedroom window. Sees 4' humanoid & weird lights in yard.
1/9/95 19:00 Pt.Charlotte, FL Woman, husband, and son witnessed oval object w/ hundreds of lights on it. Est. 1/2 size of shopping mall!!
1/9/95 23:55 Memphis, TN Mother, daughter, and friend witness 4-5 objects over school yard. Objects hovered, then streaked off. Silent.
1/10/95 7:15 Riverside, CA Man sees seven very bright, golden lights descend from sky, hover, and move strangely. Quickly streaks to W.
1/11/95 7:00 Seatac, WA Airline empl. reports seeing Hughes-type helicopter near SeaTac Airport. 300-500' (est.) alt.. Unusual location.
1/12/95 0:45 Snohomish, WA Four adults witness bright, multi-colored object moving above thin overcast. Suddenly flared, then disappeared.
1/12/95 22:00 Olalla, WA Woman reports objects seen streaking overhead over preceding two weeks. Multiple sightings.
1/14/95 22:00 Beaverton, OR Mother & daughter witness strange shafts of green light that appear to move around clouds. Second sighting.
1/15/95 2:30 McKinleyville, CA Man went outdoors, witnessed approx. 50 blue and green, pulsating objects moving in the storm clouds. Good rept.
1/15/95 12:00 Gorham, ME Man called to enquire about all the strange sighting that had been reported in his area during recent past.
1/15/95 21:00 Morton, WA Woman reports 2 craft fly over house. Strange events taking place in town w/ paramilitary activities.
1/15/95 23:43 Poulsbo, WA Police officer on patrol witnesses triangular pattern of three lights. They rotate twice, then depart west.
1/16/95 0:20 Renton, WA Young man sees very brightly lighted object streak across the sky and disappear behind a stand of trees.
1/17/95 4:30 Bend, OR Woman observes three strange objects hovering in morning sky for 73 minutes. Very bright lights. Good rept.
1/17/95 22:45 Anchorage, AK Empl. of KRUA radio station at Univ. of AK calls to report multiple UFO reports 2245 hrs. 17JA95 over inlet.
1/17/95 23:07 Seattle, WA Woman reports unusual blue lights. (Probably lights on neighbor's radio antenna, she later reported.)
1/17/95 23:45 Moorehead, MN Man, wife, and two police officers observe two red lights in night sky. Obj. followed a small aircraft.
1/18/95 19:00 Grangeville, ID Woman reports dramatic "meteor shower" over northern Idaho.
1/18/95 19:30 Deer Lodge, MT Anonymous call regarding alleged multiple UFO sighting reports between Fairfield and Deer Lodge for 1 hour.
1/19/95 19:20 Richland, WA Woman and daughter witness very bright green light hovering in sky. Descends slowly and disappears.
1/20/95 19:40 Branford, CT Man witnesses "very bright orange-red" object streak down out of the sky and disappear. No explosion!
1/21/95 5:45 Portland, OR Man out walking during early morning observes three very colorful objects in southwest sky. They move.
1/21/95 21:50 Seymour, TN A man and his fiancee witnessed gigantic triangle hovering in the night sky. Red & blue belly lights. Good rept.
1/22/95 3:00 Tonasket, WA Man awakened on farm by noise from animals. Sees huge, square object hovering. Tries to shoot. Physiological effects, upset.
1/22/95 17:50 Vienna, VA U.S. Dept. of Energy empl. w/ wife & son witness two green spheres, joined by "gold light," streak overhead.
1/22/95 20:00 Seattle, WA Man witnesses triangular obj. w/ dull, or "subdued" lights streak overhead.
1/22/95 21:45 Renton, WA Man and two sons driving south on I-405 near S-curves witness two pairs of very bright, motionless lights.
1/23/95 6:15 Seattle, WA Man calls to report he & wife witnessed metallic disc hovering just above Pug. Sound. Streaks off. (No 2nd call)
1/23/95 23:42 Ladysmith, WI Rusk Co. Sheriff's office reports officer's observation of hovering light in SE sky. (Possible star?)
1/24/95 4:42 Lebanon, TN A woman and daughter witnessed 2 large ships, and a cluster of white ships. Clamshell in shape. TEMA rept..
1/24/95 21:00 Midlands, TX Father and son witness "tube filled with tiny lights" streak W to E overhead. 20 sec. sighting. Witnesses.
1/24/95 21:15 San Angelo, TX Man witnesses " yellow string of lights" streak from horizon to horizon in 8-9 sec. 7 or 8 objects in group.
1/25/95 15:23 Joyce, WA Woman repts. possible sighting, which may have involved local police cordoning off area. Red lights in sky.
1/26/95 19:00 West South Port, ME Woman in darkened, rural beach property saw object hovering over ocean, rise, dart, descend and disappear.
1/26/95 19:00 Concrete, WA Seattle City Light empl. reports several strange lights, which "bob" below horizon, then reappear.
1/27/95 6:26 Seatac, WA Two witnesses see red blinking and solid white light moving over the Cascade Mountains.
1/28/95 10:53 Burbank, CA Two tennis players witness very bright object streak across sky at high altitude. No visible wings. Good rept.
1/30/95 20:00 Jacksonville, FL Man and wife observe three strange lights over Jacksonville that fly to southeast and fade out suddenly.
1/30/95 20:00 Olympia, WA Young father calls to report his 3-yr. old daughter keeps talking about lizard men w/ red eyes outside BR window.
1/30/95 20:29 Harrisburg, PA County Emergency Agency supervisor receives call regarding triangular ship, seen to emit three beams of light.
1/31/95 2:00 Spanaway, WA Woman reports witnessing silver flashing object below clouds.
1/31/95 19:32 Alexandria, LA FAA/Houston reports sighting by crews of two airliners 60 miles NW of Alexandria, LA. Lights move suddenly.
1/31/95 20:07 Mason, MI Airport manager calls to rept. receipt of bizarre UFO rept. from woman in nearby town.
1/31/95 20:10 Eaton Rapids, MI A mother, her children, neighbors, and an aunt witness a huge "X-shaped" object fly E to W overhead.